Striving To Help
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another,
as good stewards of God's varied grace
- 1 Peter 4:10
(supported monthly)
Platte Valley Baptist
(Wheatland Conference Center) - Flagler.
For His Glory
(Children's Orphanage) - Haiti.
Debarra Prentice Missions
(Team Missions) - Africa.
Elwyn & Linda Goosen
(AVANT Missions) - Brazil.
Dave & Jan Harthan
(Wycliffe Bible Translators) - Mozambique.
Paul & Jennie Minter
(Wycliffe Bible Translators) - Papa New Guinea
This program was started in 2017 for any and all youth 5th-8th grade within the Arriba/Flagler/Seibert communities.
The group meets twice a month at the Wheatland Conference Center.
Each meeting has a theme, a message and fun things for the youth to do.
A meal is provided for everyone each meeting by outside volunteers.
There has been a great turnout by youth.
Conference Center and Lodge that provides meeting space and lodging for any age group.
While the center is not a part of our church it has close ties to our church.
A number of the directors at Wheatland are members of our church.
Our church donates $100 each month to Wheatland to help cover their operating expenses.
The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders.
The program's approach seriously considers the model of Christ's servant hood and encourages Christ's disciples to act in ways appropriate to being "a servant of all".
If you might be interested in participating in a walk, contact any church leader and they can put you in touch with the right people to make it happen.
Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan's Purse, an international relief organization that our church participates in each year.
Each year members of our church along with other churches and organizations throughout Colorado put together shoe boxes filled with small toys, hygience items and school supplies to be shipped to over 12 million children all over the world.
Not only can we as church members provide boxes but we can also be a part of the group that travels to Denver each year to help sort and prepare the boxes for shipment at one of the OCC warehouse locations.
If it becomes difficult for someone to provide items for their box, another option available is to donate money to assist with the cost of shipping the boxes.