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Article VII- Clergy
The requirements, duties and responsibilities of officers in the church are spelled out in two


Section A: Minister
Paragraph 1 - Selection:
1. When a vacancy occurs in the pastorate, the Executive Council shall nominate and present to the congregation at a special meeting names of persons to constitute a pastoral selection committee.
2. Further nominations may be made by the congregation at the special meeting.
3. This committee shall search out available ministers.
4. Having settled upon one who in their judgement should be called to the pastorate, the committee shall introduce him or her at a duly called meeting to propose the call.
5. The minister shall be called for an unlimited term of office by a two-thirds majority of the church membership in attendance.
6. When a minister has been called and accepted, the pastoral selection committee shall be permanently dissolved.
7. The minister shall become a member of the congregation and the association which the church belongs at the first opportunity.
8. The association may be invited to install the minister in accordance with established practices.


Paragraph 2 - Duties
1. Shall preach the Gospel.
2. Shall administer the Sacraments.
3. Shall seek to enlist persons as followers of Christ
4. Shall have a major responsibility for services of worship and seek to promote the welfare of the church.
5. Shall be an ex-officio member of all boards and committees.
6. Shall represent the church in its activities in the community and be encouraged to share in the work of fellowship.


Section B: Resignation
1. While the term of the minister shall be unlimited, the church may at any time by a two thirds vote at a meeting called for the  purpose request his or hers resignation to take effect within sixty days.
2. The minister shall give sixty days’ notice in case he or she wishes to leave.
3. In either case the minister shall submit a letter of resignation to the congregation.

"So in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others" - Romans 12:5


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